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Product details

Utrecht, 1 Star month 2024

This subscription is personal OV-chipkaart subscription. The price depends on your age and the trip you intent to make. The Star subscribtion is available as month- and year subscription.

With the Starsubscribtion you travel with the busses from Syntus and the busses and trams of U-OV in the province of Utrecht within a area basis of a centum zone with a number of adjacent areas (Star value) around the Centre zone.

More information:

  • Summer promotion Utrecht: All Syntus Utrecht month Star subscriptions for € 35 starting between August 15 and September 15, 2024. Promotional price will be processed in step 2 of the ordering process "Shopping cart". View the promotion conditions here. Tip: choose the 6-star subscription: regular price is € 259,85 and during the promotional period only € 35,00!
  • Does not work in combination with NS Flex / Businesscard on one OV- Chipcard.
  • An overview of zones in the Netherlands, click here.
  • How to find the right center zone, click here.

Don't forget to choose the right center zone.

  • € 37,95